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+65 8866 3326

Memorial Funeral

Coffin & Casket

Coffins & Casket

The coffin or casket is the centrepiece of a funeral, and it should be treated as such.

Over here in Memorial Funeral Specialist, a funeral is an extremely personal occasion, and every decision requires the utmost consideration.

That’s why when you’re choosing a funeral home, you need to make sure you’re getting quality in every aspect of the progression, from the music to the casket and everything in between.

We provide a wide range of caskets to cater to individual budget, preference and religion.

Coffins & Casket

The coffin or casket is the centrepiece of a funeral, and it should be treated as such.


Over here in Memorial Funeral Specialist, a funeral is an extremely personal occasion, and every decision requires the utmost consideration.


That’s why when you’re choosing a funeral home, you need to make sure you’re getting quality in every aspect of the progression, from the music to the casket and everything in between.


We provide a wide range of caskets to cater to individual budget, preference and religion.


Get in Touch

To enquire about our packages and services, do call us at +65 8866 3326. Our consultants are on standby 24/7 to take calls.

Contact Us Now!