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Memorial Funeral

Funeral Attire: Appropriate Dressing for Funerals in Singapore

There are many things to consider when attending a funeral. The first thing that comes to mind is probably funeral attire. Wearing the appropriate attire is important, especially in Singapore. But what is considered respectful funeral attire and how should one dress for a funeral? 

Here’s a guide on funeral clothing in Singapore: 


Understanding the Cultural Context 

There are many cultures and religions in Singapore. They each have their own customs and traditions when it comes to funeral attire etiquette. From Buddhism to Christianity, it is important to understand the requirements of each religion. 

So remember to get a good idea of the type of funeral you’ll be attending and you’ll know how to dress accordingly. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest religions in Singapore and their appropriate attire: 


Buddhist Funerals

For Buddhist funerals, it is common to wear sombre and conservative attire. This often means dark-coloured clothing, such as black or dark grey. Avoid flashy or bright colours, as they may be seen as disrespectful. 

Additionally, it is important to maintain a modest appearance and avoid clothing that is too revealing or attention-seeking. This might include a simple button-down shirt and trousers, while women may opt for a modest dress or blouse with a skirt or pants. 


Christian Funerals

A Christian funeral typically follows similar guidelines to Buddhist funerals. This includes subdued and conservative clothing choices. Dark colours are preferred but some Christian denominations may allow for more flexible attire. 

It’s always a good idea to check with the family or organisers if you’re unsure. For example, Catholic funerals often have a more formal atmosphere. Attendees are expected to dress modestly in dark, conservative clothing. 

This may include suits for men and dresses or skirts for women.


Taoist Funerals

Taoist funeral attire may vary depending on the specific customs and traditions of the family or community. However, similar to other funerals in Singapore, it is generally appropriate to wear sombre and conservative clothing in dark colours. 

Avoid clothes that are too casual or revealing. You should also be respectful of any specific customs or rituals that may be observed during the funeral proceedings.


The Role of Colour


Funeral Attire Color

(Source: IStock)


Different colours symbolise various sentiments and beliefs. That’s why it is essential to be mindful when selecting your outfit. Black is perhaps the most commonly associated colour with mourning and funerals. 

It signifies solemnity, respect and mourning for the deceased. Therefore, wearing black clothing is considered appropriate and respectful. Gray and navy are also considered respectful funeral attire. They strike a balance between the solemnity and versatility of various cultural preferences. 

On the other hand, bright colours symbolise the celebration of life. They go against the idea of mourning and can be seen as inappropriate. 

However, some funerals may have specific requests regarding colours including bright ones; so it’s always wise to inquire with the family or organisers if you’re uncertain.


Modest Funeral Attire


Modest Funeral Attire

(Source: IStock)


Colour choice is one thing but wearing modest funeral attire is just as important. A funeral is not the place to make a fashion statement so remember to keep your attire simple and appropriate. Here are guidelines on dressing modestly:


Avoid Revealing Clothing: Opt for outfits that cover the shoulders, chest and legs appropriately. Avoid low-cut tops, short skirts and clothing that is overly tight or revealing.


Choose Conservative Styles: Select clothing with modest cuts and styles. This means avoiding overly flashy or trendy attire. Instead, opt for classic and timeless pieces that convey a sense of solemnity and respect.


Mindful of Accessories: Keep accessories minimal and understated. Avoid wearing flashy jewellery or accessories that may draw attention away from the solemnity of the occasion.


Comfort is Key: While it’s important to dress appropriately, it’s also essential to prioritise comfort. Funerals can be emotionally draining, so choose clothing that allows you to move comfortably and respectfully.


Hair and Makeup: Keep hairstyles and makeup understated and conservative. Avoid overly dramatic makeup or hairstyles that may distract from the purpose of the gathering.


Footwear: Opt for closed-toe shoes that are appropriate for the occasion. Avoid wearing sandals or flip-flops, and choose footwear that is comfortable for standing and walking.



Funeral attire plays an important role regardless of culture or religion. It is a sign of respect to the family of the bereaved, something that is highly valued here in Singapore. So remember to choose the right colour while wearing it modestly because a little respect goes a long way. 


Need help planning a funeral? Check out our funeral packages to find out more. 



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    Funeral Service Singapore

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    +65 8866 3326

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    #06-76 , Midview City
    Singapore 573969

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